বরিশাল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

সালঃ 2015

ক ইউনিট

he laughed at all of him friends

he is laughed at by all of his friends .

All of his friends had laughed at him

All of his friends were laughed at by him .

being too inquisitive

Judge something primarily on appearance .

being extremely desperate

Complain about a loss from the past

You, he and I were present in the class.

you, he and I was present in the class

I , you and he were present in the class

He, you and I was present in the class

I have seen him yesterday

I saw him yesterday

He was return from London last week .

it is raining for to days

to steal

to have stolen

has stolen

having stolen

don`t you

shall you

aren`t you

will you

‘please have it ‘

‘ here you are ‘

‘here is what you have wanted ‘

‘I would like to give it ‘

RightAns: 0 | WrongAns: 0 | Result: 0/0