ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

সালঃ 1997

গ ইউনিট

A friend in bad time is are good friend

A friend in bad time is the real friend

A friend in need is a good friend

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Take care in your health

Take care of your health

Take care for your health

Take care with your health

শুধু জীবনে বাঁচিয়ে থাকার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় অর্থ সে রোজগার করে।

জীবন ধারনের জন্য প্রয়োজন শুধু সেই পরিমাণ সে রোজগার করে

জীবন যাপনের জন্য যতটুকু যথেষ্ট সেই পরিমাণ সে রোজগার করে

জীবন যাপনের জন্য পর্যাপ্ত অর্থ প্রয়োজন সেই পরিমাণ অর্থ সে রোজগার করে.

was a rich one

was generous in his atitide

was too young to have learnt to say no to women

was a credulous youngman

I also took part in our freedom fighting

I also had a apart of our freedom fighting

I also was a part of freedom fighting

I also had taken a part of our freedom fighting

supernatural belives

superstitious belives

ancient myth

historical event

S.T. Coleridge

E. Henry

L.A.G Strong

W. Somerset Maugham





he knows to type

he knows to type

he knows the typing

none of the above

Rain fell in the night and pitch was wet.

Rain fell in the night for which the pitch was wet

The pitch was wet as rain had fallen in the night

The pitch was wet as rain fell in the night

আমি সর্বশান্ত হইয়াছিলাম

আমি হতবুদ্ধি হইয়াছিলাম

আমি শেষ সীমানায় ছিলাম

উপরের কোনটিই নয়

an ugly bird

a bird bringing goodluck

a bird bringing bad luck

none of the above

Write the essay in brief

Write essay brifly

Write the eassy in a short

Write the eassay shortly





man's judgement

triumph of justice

true justice

order of justice

Jerry's mother need mannville

Jerry's mother loved Jerry

Jerry's mother sent him a pair of skates

Jerry had not mother

Who lived on died in England

Who lived on died outside English

Who fought and died for the freedom England

None of the above

The passionate Shphered to his love

The Solitary Reaper

Under the Greenwood tree

To the Cuckoo

RightAns: 0 | WrongAns: 0 | Result: 0/0