চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

সালঃ 2007

A ইউনিট

Improvement : Care

Photography : Camera

Sunlight : Photosynthesis

Hydrogen : Digestion

Drama : Acting






It is known that the earth is round .

It was known that the earth is round .

It was known that the earth was round .

It is knew that the earth is round .

It has been known that the earth is round .

Death is preferable than dishonour .

Death is more preferable than dishonour .

Death is more preferable then dishonour .

Death is preferable to dishonour .

Death is more better than dishonour .

common noun

Collective noun

Abstract noun

Proper noun

Material noun

worked slowly

worked without looking at the clock

worked fast because he only had limited time

worked without any speed

worked sitting against the clock

warm compliment


best compliment

heartiest compliments

sincere compliments

What matters if I fail?

Does it matter if I fail?

What does it matter if I fail?

Doesn't it matter if I fail ?

What is matters if I fail

The fact is true

The fact is truthful

It is a true fact

This is a fact

This is a fact true

an adverb

an interjection

a preposition

a conjunction

an adjective

RightAns: 0 | WrongAns: 0 | Result: 0/0