চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

সালঃ 2016

ইউনিট : C2

engrossing one in prayer

devoting oneself to cultural activities

embracing death like a prince

being engrossed in studies

being reluctant to studies

that they will engage themselves in books and other duties and neglect their household chores,

that they will not be involved in books

that they may get derailed .

that they may take care of their children

that they may get book worms

by imparting her adequate knowledge to make money

by providing her with lots of logistics

by training her in order that she can bring up her children into healthy men and women

by training her so that she works hard .

by training her so that she can beat her male

caring for young children until they are not able to care for themselves

indifference to young children on

caring for old people

caring for women

caring for young children or young animals until

a liar

an imposer

a vogue


a magician

twice than me

twice as much as i

twice more than i

two times than me

two times much

a verbose speech

a big speech

a maiden speech

an unimportant speech

a brief speech em






a group of ten people

decaying old age

rotten objects

a period of twenty years

a period of ten years

stop wasting money

stop smoking

stop parking

stop wasting time

stop making a noise

are beggar description

are beggared description

has beggared description

has been beggar description

beggared description





at least

greater than that of

as large as

more greater

broader than the one of

more great than

to describe

a description of

they describe







be expect

In spite with


Despite with

Despite of

In spite

should play

can play

may play

I play

could play

where is he

where was he

where has he been

where he is

he is where

quite, at

quiet, in

quiet, at

quiet, about

quiet, on

only composes

not composes only

composes not only

not only composes


journalists that

journalists they


whom journalists

journalists who

with bag and baggage

with bags and baggages

with no bag and baggage

with a lot of bag and baggage

bag and baggage

aren’t you

isn’t you

have you

haven’t you

don’t you

RightAns: 0 | WrongAns: 0 | Result: 0/0